
My Newest Book on Options Has Just Been Released!

I'm excited to announce that my newest book, "Mr. Sincere Teaches You How to Sell Covered Calls," is available to buy. Here is the link to Amazon: https://bit.ly/40IvMWz or on Barnes and Noble: https://bit.ly/41736Z1

Soon, the book will be available worldwide. Here are the key bullet points of my affordable and easy-to-read book on selling covered calls:

Rent stocks for monthly income by selling covered calls.

Learn how to earn a few hundred or a few thousand dollars every few weeks or each month. 

This easy-to-read book shows you how to choose stocks that generate income for months or years. 

Read an interview with a professional covered call seller who uses sophisticated strategies to make money.

Learn how to produce a reasonable return without taking huge risks. 

Avoid unexpected traps and pitfalls that snare most beginners. 

Selling covered calls is one of the less risky ways to make money in the options market. 

Get paid to own stocks and receive instant cash that is yours to keep. 

Mr. Sincere (aka Michael Sincere), a professional writer and investor, teaches you how to increase income and build wealth by renting stocks for monthly income. This affordable, straightforward book teaches what you need to know to start making money with a low-risk, easy-to-learn option strategy. Sincere is also the author of "Understanding Options" (McGraw Hill) and "Help Your Child Build Wealth" (Wiley).